EFORT’s governing body is the General Assembly, which is composed of a maximum of two delegates from each of the national member associations.
The General Assembly proposes and decides upon the Federation’s policy, issues guidelines and sets objectives. As the Federation’s highest body, the General Assembly elects the members of the EFORT Board for a period of one or rather two years.
The EFORT Board is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Federation and comprises eight members from different European countries. There are also a number of specialist committees and working groups that are designed to discern common interests from among the specific needs of the individual national societies.
The ordinary members of the Federation are the National Societies of Orthopaedic Surgery and Orthopaedic Traumatology from European countries. Each member country can appoint two Delegates who will be members of the General Assembly of EFORT.
The General Assembly meets each year on the occasion of the EFORT Annual Congress. The General Assembly decides in all matters of the Federation unless such matters are transferred to the Executive Board or to Committees. The General Assembly is therefore the highest authority within the Federation and ensures that the aims of the Federation are implemented.
At the moment, the General Assembly consists of Delegates from the 41 EFORT National Member Societies.