Conservative hip surgery and new techniques and materials offering long- lasting, pain-free hip prostheses

EFORT ExMEx Forum Athens, Greece, April 20-21, 2012 The term “primary osteoarthritis”, utilized for years to characterize hip arthrosis of unknown origin, has tended to disappear now that we know a lot more about the mechanisms of joint destruction in the hip. Understanding hip pathology led the way to developing new treatment methods that may […]

European Parliament ITRE Committee vote paves the way for the inclusion of musculoskeletal diseases in the future EU Research Framework Programme, Horizon 2020

On 28 November 2012, the European Parliament ITRE Committee (Committee for Industry, Transport and Energy), voted by large consensus six draft laws related to the EU’s framework research programme Horizon 2020. The programme, which still has to be voted in plenary, and agreed by the Council, will determine EU funding in Research for the next […]

Joint preservation over replacement – repairing patho-biomechanics as key to a causal therapy of osteoarthritis

In November, Basel will host an EFORT Instructional Course (IC) on a somewhat neglected art: By detecting osteoarthritis (OA) early and repairing not only present damage but al so the underlying patho-biomechanics, total joint replacement can be delayed for many years or even made redundant altogether, says Professor Victor Valderrabano, MD PhD, Chairman of the […]

Five in One: Operating Hallux Valgus Deformities

EFORT Instructional Course Geneva 2012 – 12-13 October Five in One: Operating Hallux Valgus Deformities Geneva – What is the right method for comparing five operation procedures in one day? What should we be aware of before selecting a specific technique? When should a surgeon delay an operation in case of ankle arthritis? PD Dr. […]

EFORT Executive Board Statement on use of Large-Head Metal-on-Metal Stemmed Total Hip Arthroplasty: “Take a time-out”

Recently, the media, followed by national medical authorities, have raised concerns about problems related to the use of large-head, metal-on-metal, stemmed total hip arthroplasties. At the onset one implant manufacturer with one implant (The ASR hip) was singled out.  The reason was the recall action initiated by this manufacturer and the announced multibillion dollar provision […]

Periprosthetic fractures: A growing challenge for surgeons

EFORT ExMEx Periprosthetic Fractures, Barcelona, 16th – 17th March 2012 Periprosthetic fractures: A growing challenge for surgeons An EFORT ExMEx Forum dedicated to meeting challenges in the treatment of periprosthetic fractures will be held in Barcelona from 16th to 17th March 2012. Renowned experts will be on the scene both to update participants about the […]

Official Partner of the European Year 2012 for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations!

Designated the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations (EY2012), the year 2012 is looking set to be a very important year for EFORT! Throughout 2011 we have been increasingly active in the European debate on ageing, prevention of chronic disease and health promotion, and as a result, we are delighted to announce that EFORT has been […]

Mythical Istanbul becomes reality with the scientific kick-off meeting for the EFORT Congress 2013

By Hakki Sur, LO Chairman 14th EFORT Congress 2013. EFORT’s scientific kick-off meetings are held two years in advance of the annual meetings. The purpose is to decide the scientific programme, its highlights, and also the social venues. The kick-off meeting for the Istanbul 2013 EFORT Congress was held from 1 – 3 September 2011 […]

Where European Orthopaedic Science is Shared and Turned into Education

The 12th EFORT Congress in Copenhagen this year, that will also mark the organisation’s 20th anniversary, is a unique opportunity for a profound update in any speciality or subspecialty involving Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Fed by the knowledge and experience of more than 30 European countries, this year’s “concert of expertise“will additionally benefit from an accent on the specific contributions of the Nordic countries. They […]

Spot on Watersport Injuries: A Model for Traumatological Advances

The upcoming 12th EFORT Congress, this year marking the 20th birthday of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, will provide a unique opportunity for a fruitful update and exchange of views among the manifold members of the European orthopaedic family, says Dr. Mike Carmont (Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Preston, UK). A special […]

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