EFORT Foundation – There is a tremendendous demand for grants in our field

Karl-Göran Thorngren, EFORT President and chair of the newly-formed EFORT FOUNDATION, about the new organisation’s concerns, intents and visions. What was the driving force to establish the EFORT FOUNDATION? Karl-Göran Thorngren It is a vital interest of EFORT to improve the life of people with musculoskeletal disorders and injuries. Approximately 8 out of 10 people experience […]

Perfect life surgery – and more!

24th EFORT instructional course, 17/18 April 2009 in Budapest BUDAPEST (jp) –Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Böhler is member of the Efort Education committee and lecturer at the course in Budapest. In this interview he points out the subjects and highlights of the event. What topics will be in the focus of this course? Böhler: In this course we focus on […]

WHO: Orthopaedic surgeons must engage pro-actively in promoting all aspects of surgical safety

By Pierre Hoffmeyer, EFORT Vice President. In January 2009, the New England Journal of Medicine published a special article describing a study taking place in eight hospitals in eight different cities, spanning the five continents, and representing a variety of socio-economic circumstances.  1. All the complications occurring within 30 days of surgery in these hospitals […]

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