Please find in this webpage EFORT news articles that have been released by EFORT on orthopaedic and traumatology related  topics of interest for the European orthopaedic amd truama community.

EFORT Orthopaedics Today Europe: Volume 18 | Issue no. 5 | May 2015

By EFORT Head Office | The 5th issue of 2015 of EFORT’s online newspaper Orthopaedics Today Europe (OTE), is now available on-line! This month cover story focus on arthroscopy being performed much more today by more surgeons to preserve and treat hip joint. And also brings the question: Can only athletes benefit from hip arthroscopy […]

EFORT Orthopaedics Today Europe: Volume 18 | Issue no. 4 | April 2015

By EFORT Head Office | The 4th issue of 2015 of EFORT’s online newspaper Orthopaedics Today Europe (OTE), is now available on-line! This month cover story focus on how surgeons opinions differ on UKA indications and revision rates compared to TKA. And also brings the question: What is the rationale for performing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty […]

EFORT Orthopaedics Today Europe: Volume 18 | Issue no. 3 | March 2015

By EFORT Head Office | The 3rd issue of 2015 of EFORT’s online newspaper Orthopaedics Today Europe (OTE), is now available on-line! This month cover story focus highlights that surgeons find no consensus on best treatment for proximal humerus fractures. And also brings the question: What added information about proximal humerus fractures does 3-D imaging […]

EFORT Orthopaedics Today Europe: Volume 18 | Issue no. 2 | February 2015

By EFORT Head Office | The 2nd issue of 2015 of EFORT’s online newspaper Orthopaedics Today Europe (OTE), is now available on-line! This month cover story focus on the fact that single- and double-row treatments each show advantages for repair of rotator cuff tears. And also brings the question: Is the number of rotator cuff […]

EFORT Orthopaedics Today Europe: Volume 18 | Issue no. 1 | January 2015

By EFORT Head Office | The 1st issue of 2015 of EFORT’s online newspaper Orthopaedics Today Europe (OTE), is now available on-line! This month cover story focus on robotics may improve safety of orthopaedic surgery and patient outcomes. And also brings the question: Is the issue of robotics in orthopaedic and trauma procedures an up-and-coming […]

Season’s Greetings from EFORT


The registration for the 2015 EBOT Exam is open!

By EFORT Head Office | The success of the EBOT Exam is spreading throughout Europe, and even to the rest of the world. Every year, more and more applicants are encouraged to take this prestigious qualification, which is helping ever greater numbers of EBOT fellows to progress in their careers. The EBOT Exam has evolved […]

EFORT Orthopaedics Today Europe: Volume 17 | Issue no. 10 | November/December 2014

By EFORT Head Office | The 10th issue, and last for the year 2014, of EFORT’s online newspaper Orthopaedics Today Europe (OTE), is now available online! This month cover story focus on increased rates of obesity in Europe lead to difficulties in delivering orthopaedic care. And also brings the question: should patients with a BMI […]

Opinion adopted by Health Expert Panel on the Future EU Agenda on Patient Safety and Quality of Care

The European Commission established in July 2013 a multi-sectorial and independent Expert Panel to provide advice on effective ways of investing in health. The Expert Panel was in particular in charge of developing an Opinion on the future EU agenda on quality of health care with a special emphasis on patient safety. The Panel was […]

European Commission issued Final Opinion on the Safety of Metal-on-Metal (MoM) Joint Replacements with a particular focus on hip implants

The EU Commission mandated in 2012 its Scientific Committee on Emerging Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) to produce an opinion paper on “Safety of Metal-on-Metal Joint Replacements”, following health concerns raised in a number of scientific publications in recent years . The opinion, adopted on 24-25 September, is based on the work of the SCENIHR […]

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