EFORT 2013: Many highlights, many registrations

The 14th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) takes place this year in Istanbul, from June 5 to 8. A city of growing prominence, with a magnificent history and rapidly developing economy, is the ideal location for a congress dedicated to a particularly dynamic field. Appropriately for such […]

EFORT invites you to Istanbul in the early summer of 2013

“One city, two continents” is the perfect description of this wonderful city. Today, Istanbul is a forward-thinking city in an emerging economy, and medical science is one area in which it is especially progressive. That is why EFORT has chosen to hold its 14th Congress in Istanbul  from 5–8 June 2013. It takes a degree […]

Mythical Istanbul becomes reality with the scientific kick-off meeting for the EFORT Congress 2013

By Hakki Sur, LO Chairman 14th EFORT Congress 2013. EFORT’s scientific kick-off meetings are held two years in advance of the annual meetings. The purpose is to decide the scientific programme, its highlights, and also the social venues. The kick-off meeting for the Istanbul 2013 EFORT Congress was held from 1 – 3 September 2011 […]

FORTE Session at EFORT Copenhagen 2011

FORTE session update This year experienced record numbers of trainees attending the Federation of Orthopaedic Trainees in Europe (FORTE) session at the EFORT Congress in Copenhagen.  The session was opened by the president of FORTE, Enis Guryel who spoke with passion about some of the issues surrounding orthopaedic training across Europe and continuing education.  Everyone […]

Nurse day at EFORT Copenhagen 2011

From a half-day session with 30 nurses at the 2009 congress in Vienna and last year in Madrid with 70 nurses attending the nurse day, this year in Copenhagen was a success! Increased online networking spread the news about the session to a wide range of orthopaedic nurse associations around Europe. More than 200 nurses […]

EFORT joins myclimate to reduce ecological footprint

The European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) has entered into a partnership with myclimate, a Swiss-based non-profit foundation that develops and supports projects all over the world that directly reduce greenhouse gases. Zurich, 10 January 2011 – The alliance aims to assure that the specific humanitarian goals of each organization complement rather […]

Madrid 2010: Largest EFORT Congress ever!

EFORT celebrated its 11th Congress in Madrid as a joint congress together with the Spanish Orthopaedic and Traumatology Society (SECOT). The recent EFORT/SECOT Congress, which was held in Madrid from 2-5 June 2010, was without doubt a success as regards attendance and its scientific programme. More than 8,000 active participants registered for the Congress. This […]

Tribology Day

By Prof. Karl Knahr. The annual EFORT Congress has become one of the most important global meetings for orthopaedic surgeons. One of the reasons is the huge effort that this federation puts in to steadily improving their events. At the coming meeting in June 2010 in Madrid the organisation again will once again be offering […]

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