EFORT Academy celebrates second year at annual dinner

The EFORT Academy gathered national delegates, board members and members on Tuesday, 4 June, for its annual Academy dinner.

Started in 2012, the EFORT Academy is designed for surgeons and other interested parties to become more involved in the education, teaching or research activities of EFORT.

The Academy provides an opportunity to play an active part in EFORT for talented and interested individuals, Pierre Hoffmeyer, MD, EFORT president and chairman of the department of surgery at the University of Geneva said. All the National Delegates are ex-officio members of the Academy.

In addition to the promotion of educational and research activities, members of the EFORT Academy are also involved in making recommendations on the awards of stipends and fellowships, and evaluating all scientific, educational and publication activity requiring EFORT approval.

The Academy also offers various levels of fellowship affiliation. The affiliates of the Academy carry the title: Fellow of the Academy of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT).

Members of the EFORT Academy benefit from reduced fees to the Congress and have complimentary access to many EFORT educational and publications offerings.

The Academy was only just created in Berlin at the 2012 meeting, Hoffmeyer said. It is a very new structure and the first members will an opportunity to fashion its organization. They will also be called upon to make suggestions and provide ideas for the future activities of EFORT.

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