This calendar provides an overview of orthopaedic & traumatology-related congresses, events and meetings across the world.

We believe the information on this site to be accurate, timely and qualitatively high enough to interest the orthopaedic and traumatology community, however due to the fact that we rely on information provided by external sources we are not in a position to make any warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or other sites to which we link. Hence their scientific content is not necessarily endorsed by EFORT, unless stated otherwise.

For more information on any non-EFORT and/or non-“EFORT Approved Event”, we ask you to contact the organisers directly.

Please note that this disclaimer does not apply to events organised and managed by EFORT.

May 2027

Date/Time Event Category
13 May 2027 - 15 May 2027 Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA) 2027 Annual Meeting
Hollywood (FL), United States

13 May 2027 - 16 May 2027 The 100th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association
Yokohama, Japan

Jun 2027

Date/Time Event Category
02 June 2027 - 05 June 2027 XXXII. FESSH Congress Prague 2027
Prague, Czech Republic

Sep 2027

Date/Time Event Category
14 September 2027 - 18 September 2027 62nd Scoliosis Research Society Annual Meeting SRS 2027
New Orleans, United States

14 September 2027 - 17 September 2027 BOA 2027
Liverpool, United Kingdom

Oct 2027

Date/Time Event Category
05 October 2027 - 09 October 2027 ISHA – The Hip Preservation Society Annual Scientific Meeting ISHA 2027
Ottawa, Canada

13 October 2027 - 16 October 2027 American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) 2027 Annual Meeting
San Antonio, United States

27 October 2027 - 30 October 2027 Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) 2027 Annual Meeting
New Orleans, United States

May 2028

Date/Time Event Category
18 May 2028 - 20 May 2028 Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA) 2028 Annual Meeting
Nashville, United States

Jun 2028

Date/Time Event Category
28 June 2028 - 01 July 2028 XXXIII. FESSH Congress Strasburg 2028
Strasburg, France

Sep 2028

Date/Time Event Category
19 September 2028 - 21 September 2028 BOA 2028
Newcastle, United Kingdom

Oct 2028

Date/Time Event Category
10 October 2028 - 14 October 2028 Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) 2028 Annual Meeting
Charlotte, United States

18 October 2028 - 21 October 2028 American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) 2028 Annual Meeting
Boston, United States

May 2029

Date/Time Event Category
03 May 2029 - 05 May 2029 Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA) 2029 Annual Meeting
Austin, United States

Sep 2030

Date/Time Event Category
17 September 2030 - 19 September 2030 BOA 2030
Aberdeen , United Kingdom

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