Complex Case Discussions (CCD)


Session structure

This session format provides the opportunity to go through unconventional and challenging cases presented by the invited panel. An active discussion with the audience is raised in order to enrich the exchange and evaluate all kind of approaches for a difficult diagnose/management.

The moderator forms a discussion panel together with three invited members who present three uncommon cases each.

The first case discussed by each speaker presents some basic evidence to encourage the audience to integrate the discussion. The complexity of further cases increases to push forward the level of analysis.

When concluding the cases, documented evidence (references to published studies) supporting the options that were chosen are given.

A take-home message is delivered to greatly enhance the learning experience of the participants.

17th EFORT Congress, Geneva 01-03 June 2016
Programme for the Complex Case Discussion Sessions (CCD – 90 minutes)
PDF version (1 page, 20 kb)

Programme for the Complex Case Discussion Sessions (CCD - 90 minutes)

Programme for the Complex Case Discussion Sessions (CCD – 90 minutes)

PDF version (1 page, 20 kb)

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17th EFORT Congress 2016 Geneva, CH | 01-03 June
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