The registration for the 2015 EBOT Exam is open!

By EFORT Head Office |
ebot_examThe success of the EBOT Exam is spreading throughout Europe, and even to the rest of the world. Every year, more and more applicants are encouraged to take this prestigious qualification, which is helping ever greater numbers of EBOT fellows to progress in their careers.

The EBOT Exam has evolved over the last few years to make it more open and fair, and this fact has been well received by all candidates.

The EBOT Interim Exam 2015 will on the 14 April 2015.

The Section I, written part is scheduled on the 11 June 2015 in different training centres throughout Europe. Please note that applicants need to pass Section 1 to proceed to Section 2.

Finally the Section II, oral part will be held on the 3 and 4 October 2015 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

To register please go to the eBOT exam website:

The increase in applicant numbers is making it more and more difficult to set up an examination centre at a hospital or university, however. It is possible that, in the future, we will restrict the site of the final part II EBOT Exam to a few locations in Europe that can provide facilities for this major orthopaedic exam.

We are currently looking into how to provide parts of the exam in different languages, and I am sure that both the final and the interim exam will offer several choices in the years to come.

We want the EBOT Exam to address not only knowledge, but also skills, and we are looking at how to grade these areas of assessment in a final fellowship examination in the future.

This will take us closer to the requirements of many of the European orthopaedic societies within the European Union.

The EBOT Exam is a prestigious qualification that is a valuable addition to your CV.

More information:

  • EBOT Interim Exam 2015: 14 April 2015
  • Section I, written part: 11 June 2015 in different training centres throughout Europe.
  • Section II, oral part: 3 and 4 October 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • EBOT website:
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