Since 2015 for each edition of our annual congress, EFORT features a specific Main Theme, reflected in our scientific programme and included as the overarching topic for the core discussions in all the planned sessions. This chosen moto is always aligned with the EFORT mission of improving patient care.
As nowadays, the quality of medical care is usually defined by three main domains: patient safety, clinical effectiveness and, importantly, patient experience*, for our upcoming 23rd EFORT Congress, the Main Theme will be “Modern Patient Need – Challenges & Solutions”.
This driving principle will be thus used to highlight the necessity to measure the quality of orthopaedics and traumatology care from the patients’ point of view in order to update public health policies and improve outcomes. Replying to modern patient needs represents indeed a new set of challenges in Orthopaedic and Trauma care that will require advanced and enhanced skills, including interdisciplinary work.
In this context, and to help experts mastering these new challenges and securing breakthrough treatments for recovery and rehabilitation, the EFORT Science Committee has put forward several focused sessions, among which the symposium entitled Why Diversity in Orthopaedics and Traumatology is a Modern Patient Need: Challenges & Solutions.
It is scheduled during the prime time on Thursday 23 June 2022, 14:45-15:45.