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23rd EFORT annual Congress

Modern Patient Needs: the focus of the O&T European experts in 2022 

Since 2015 for each edition of our annual congress, EFORT features a specific Main Theme, reflected in our scientific programme and included as the overarching topic for the core discussions in all the planned sessions. This chosen moto is always aligned with the EFORT mission of improving patient care.

As nowadays, the quality of medical care is usually defined by three main domains: patient safety, clinical effectiveness and, importantly, patient experience*, for our upcoming 23rd EFORT Congress, the Main Theme will be “Modern Patient Need – Challenges & Solutions”.

This driving principle will be thus used to highlight the necessity to measure the quality of orthopaedics and traumatology care from the patients’ point of view in order to update public health policies and improve outcomes. Replying to modern patient needs represents indeed a new set of challenges in Orthopaedic and Trauma care that will require advanced and enhanced skills, including interdisciplinary work.

In this context, and to help experts mastering these new challenges and securing breakthrough treatments for recovery and rehabilitation, the EFORT Science Committee has put forward several focused sessions, among which the symposium entitled Why Diversity in Orthopaedics and Traumatology is a Modern Patient Need: Challenges & Solutions.

It is scheduled during the prime time on Thursday 23 June 2022, 14:45-15:45.

EFORT is convinced that the specific topics presented under the moderation of Doctors Jennifer Green from Australia and Caroline Hing from United Kingdom, representing the International Orthopedic Diversity Alliance (IODA), can for instance bridge important components of the O&T community to find long-term solutions for underrepresented minorities.

This Main Theme symposium can be attended by any participant fully-registered for the EFORT Congress without any extra fee to be paid. Stayed tuned for more programmes within our overaching topic!

*Department of Health. High quality care for all. NHS next stage review. London: DoH, 2008.


Register for the EFORT Congress 2022!

The online registration platform for the 23rd EFORT Congress in Lisbon is opened.

Have a look at the registration grid and take the opportunity to buy your ticket at the early bird fee until 15 March 2022!

Also note that all abstracts authors will be notified on Monday 31 January 2022 about the status of your abstract(s). Once notified, Accepted Abstracts Presenters must register to the Congress until 28 February 2022.

EFORT e-learning

Save the date

for the upcoming

EFORT Webinar

On Monday 31 January 2022 at 19:00 CET, the EFORT webinar on Relevance of Metal Carcinogenicity for Orthopaedics: Controversies & Concerns will focus on potential carcinogenicity of metal containing implants in orthopaedic and trauma surgery.

The objectives of this webinar are:

  • To inform Orthopaedic Surgeons about the classification of cobalt as a carcinogen on EU level and potential consequences for surgeons and manufacturers;
  • To summarize current knowledge on the carcinogenic potential of metal particles released from arthroplasty implants;
  • To announce related activities within the “EFORT Implant, Patient and Staff Safety Initiative (IPSSI)” directed towards this issue. 

An application has been submitted to the UEMS EACCME® for the CME accreditation of this webinar.

Save the date for the upcoming

EFORT Industry Collaborative

Webinar (ICW)

On Tuesday 08 February 2022 at 12:30 CET, the EFORT Industry Collaborative Webinar on Rethinking Postop Recovery supported by 3M will address Novel techniques to manage soft tissue and closed incisions in TKA patients focusing on surgical site complication rates and innovation in incision management.

The objectives of this webinar are:

  • Ground-breaking innovation in incision management;
  • High risk incision management in patients with multiple comorbidities;
  • peer to peer case study sharing and RCT highlighting improved post op recovery.

Detailed programme and Faculty will be released shortly.

This Webinar is organised with the support of 3M in collaboration with EFORT and hosted by M-Events.


eScience Webcast highlights

This month's selection from EFORT comprehensive digital library

comprised of +9,000 scientific sessions recorded

Orthopaedics: Knee &

Lower Leg



Total Knee


by Fares Haddad

Comprehensive Review Course


Classification & Principle

Of Fracture

In Childhood

by Pierre Lascombes

Orthopaedics: Musculoskeletal Infections

Prevention And Therapeutic Guidelines For Infections With Multiresistant Agents 

by Andrej Trampuz


EFORT Resources

A quick access to prime educational material



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