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Issue II - October 2023

25th EFORT annual Congress

Your legacy starts here: discover the impact of your abstract, your voice!

Foster shared success: Submit your abstract to build a collaborative foundation, enabling professionals to learn, adopt best practices,

and advance research.

Building a supportive network: Sharing your work introduces you to renowned experts and KOLs, fostering mentorship opportunities that can shape your career.

Promoting evidence-based practices: In the dynamic healthcare field, sharing case studies and outcomes data which highlight successful interventions promotes a culture of continuous learning.

Pride and dedication: Your reputation is our pride – join a leading reference in orthopaedics and traumatology. High-quality abstracts attract experts and fuel collaborative success!

Take action now: Submit your abstract(s) today!

The abstract submission system is accessible until Wednesday 15 November 2023, 23:59 CET.

eScience Webcast highlights

This month's selection from EFORT comprehensive digital library

comprised of +17,900 scientific sessions recorded

Third Compartment

Of The Knee:

An Update From

Diagnosis To Treatment


David Stuart Barrett


Of Different Types


Cemented Stems


Per Kjaersgaard-Andersen

Spino-Pelvic Challenges

In Total Hip Arthroplasty


Geert Meermans


Work on Paediatric devices

presented at the International Medical Device Regulators Forum

At the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) Berlin meeting on 25 and 26 September 2023, Prof. Berthold Koletzko addressed the issue of paediatric devices and referred to the work performed in the framework of CORE-MD.

He notably pointed to the need to develop specific rules for paediatric devices in the context of the implementation of the European medical device regulation. [...]

CORE-MD is a European Union Horizon 2020 project. It reviews methods for evaluating high-risk medical devices in order to translate expert evidence into advice for EU regulators and to recommend an appropriate balance between innovation, safety , and clinical effectiveness.


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