Abstract acceptance
You have been notified by e-mail about the acceptance of your abstract(s). The presenting author of a selected abstract must undertake to attend the Congress and present the abstract in the session and at the time designated by the Scientific Committee. EFORT therefore requires all authors to register by 30 January 2012 at the latest. Only registrations for the full congress are accepted (no day registrations).
Failure to present your paper within the dedicated time slot on site will result in your being excluded from submitting any paper (for oral or e-poster presentation) for the 14th EFORT Congress in Istanbul 2013. The author(s) will be excluded from all presentations and e-posters at this meeting.
Technical support
Technical support will be provided for authors of abstracts, as detailed in the frequently asked questions and help document. Please send all requests concerning electronic submissions for the 13th EFORT Congress by e-mail to: efortabs@mci-group.com.