Online submission procedure (free paper sessions)
Computer projection only will be available for presentations in the meeting rooms. To ensure that sessions run smoothly, please refer to the Presentation Guidelines available here.
The best-rated free papers may be put forward for the EFORT Free Paper Award. From the presentations that are received, the three best will be selected for the award. The authors of the selected papers will be informed prior to the Congress, and certificates will be presented during the official opening ceremony.
Impeccable English is mandatory for all appearing
as speakers/presenters at our congress!
Should your paper have been accepted for oral presentation please take note of following rules:
Failure to present your paper within the dedicated time slot on site will result in your being excluded from submitting any paper (for oral or e-poster presentation) for the 14th EFORT Congress in Istanbul 2013. The author(s) will be excluded from all presentations and e-posters at this meeting.