Dear Participant,
Welcome to the 12th EFORT Annual Congress in cooperation
with the Danish Orthopaedic Association. It is our pleasure to invite
you to join us in building up what we expect to be an outstanding scientific
Following on from previous meetings, the scientific programme
will be focused mainly on Symposia and Instructional Lectures given by
distinguished speakers from all over Europe. Special sessions like Experts
meet Experts (ExMEx) or the Controversial Case Discussions (CCD) were
highly rated at past meetings, and will constitute one of the highlights
of the scientific programme. In this particular respect, we value our
growing collaboration with the Specialty Societies, which lend special
emphasis to these high-level training tools. E-posters, workshops, Industry
Symposia and technical exhibits will also be a major input in to our programme.
Overall, it will cover the full spectrum of contemporary orthopaedics,
with a particular focus on trauma issues. It will share scientific findings
and experience, and raise awareness of where orthopaedics is heading in
the future.
However, the scientific programme would be incomplete without
your participation. In the past few years, EFORT has provided the European
stage for most orthopaedic surgeons from the region. Most recently, we
have seen an increasing number of abstracts sent in, which has been the
main reason for holding an annual meeting. This time, we again anticipate
your contribution to building a European Orthopaedic Knowledge Base. Your
expertise is fundamental and highly valued by EFORT, and we hope that,
jointly, we will be able to put together an exceptional scientific programme.
Welcome to Copenhagen. We look forward to your input to make this meeting
a first-class training programme.